Sunday, March 18, 2012

On the watershed, March 16.  Tried to make this one a little more succinct!  LOL

It was so warm yesterday that I had to hose off Shad after our ride - he was sweating like crazy.  Marie was over, getting a shoe put on her mare and told us we weren't fox hunters cuz our ride was too short!  Guess we gotta work on that fitness thing.

I plied up the Corriedale singles and it looks like it's going to be a lovely two ply laceweight.  I will wash it today and see how it looks.  Now working on my first three ply - it's a lb of alpaca/merino and so far shaping up to look pretty nice.  I am pleased.  I did a bunch on it yesterday, but it's going to take several days of work.

Still working on the Motheye shawl for Jen - it's going to be spectacular! 

Last night, I made my first ever wine reduction sauce.  I put in 1 1/2 c of red wine, cooked it down, added some blackberry preserves, a little bit of chili powder and 3 T of butter, whisked it until smooth and served with pork chops.  Yummy!  Not too shabby for a first time!

And reviewed some stuff for my class.  What a busy gal am I!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Okay - I made a little video of my walks on the watershed.  This is my first cut.  It's a little dorky, but I like it!  LOL  This is from the first week of March. 

Thursday, March 15, 2012

 More pics from the watershed.  It's sooo pretty there.  These are actually from 3/7.  I need to upload the latest and start doing this in order!  It's supposed to be 80 today.  Imagine we are going to start to see some big changes soon as things start greening up.  I also have an audio experiment in progress.  Stay tuned!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Stuff to spin. From a Ravelry swap. My swap partner send me this awesome package full of gorgeous fiber! Check out her etsy store at

The fiber is all luscious, light and airy. Will have to post some pics of the finished yarn once I get some done!

Monday, March 12, 2012

From my morning walk on Sunday. A little frost in the watershed.

And this is a baby jacket that I am working on for a young friend with a newborn.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

How did the background on my blog turn into pink birds? Very strange.

Some knitting. This is a shawl knit out of handspun laceweight yarn. Not my handspun, I am not that consistent yet. I am tickled pink with it. (maybe that's the answer to the pink mystery?)

This is a pair of i-phone snaps back on the watershed. I am going to try to get snaps every day and see how things change over time. Might be cool.