Saturday, January 26, 2008

January update 1/25

Got quite a bit of knitting done this week - finished a scarf and got about halfway through another.

Here's the WIP - a stole called Simurgh from Anne Hanson - it's yummy!
Rode Shad, rode Callas. It's been cold, so I am proud of myself for getting out and getting the riding done. brrrr!
Put a bunch of knitting updates on the web page and also updated some of the horse stuff so go over and browse!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

January update 1/18

Life at home is pretty good so far for 2008. Work kinda sucks, but there you go.

I was working on a scarf out of Blue Heron rayon boucle and had to frog it a couple of times before I figured out what it wanted to be. And that is a variation on the Bird's Nest Shawl out of Folk Scarves. I just did two pattern repeats so it's about 7 or 8" wide and it's coming out lovely.

I am actually working on three other things at the same time as this! A pair of socks, a Cardigan and the Simurgh stole from Anne Hanson's web site. Pics are on the Neverblue website -

I also put up a page for the corgis - only a few pics now, but they are so cute, it's hard to resist taking photos.

Pony life is good. Callas just got adjusted by the chiro and he thinks she should do much better - I will ride her this afternoon and see how it goes. Off to ride Shad now because tomorrow is supposed to be REALLY cold and I am a big weenie!

Saturday, January 05, 2008

It's a New Year!

Welcome to 2008!

My first finished knitting project for 2008 is a belated pair of socks for Christmas - more knitting stuff on my web page
On the riding front, Shadow is currently at a barn with an indoor arena. Man, are we lovin' it! He is going great and we are planning to ride in a clinic on Jan 18/19. Hopefully we can get some pics then so you can see how nice he looks!
Callas is still for sale, but gave herself an owie, so she is recovering from a hip injury. I swear that once you tag them for sale they immediately try to self destruct!
The other pones are all fine and we are doing great. It should be a wonderful year!